Joyful Approach to Mindfulness


for everyday people


Joyful approach

Mindfulness is a practice

You can’t do it wrong. All you need to do is notice.

Research shows that we’re on autopilot 48% of the time, distracted, lost in our thoughts and missing out on the potential joy in front of us.

By practising mindfulness and non-judgement, we become more accepting, resilient and confident of ourselves and others.

The joyful approach will teach you practical tools to better handle everyday challenges that life throws at us – from work, relationship and everything in between.

Online Course

Our 4 week course will give you the key foundations of mindfulness to help you live your best life. Learn in your own time, with short videos, audio & expert guidance. Ready to live a more joy-filled life? 

Learn how to:

Cultivate calm in stressful situations

Build your resilience muscle

Develop a mindfulness practice

Find more balance and joy in everyday life


Be more present in your daily life (rather than on autopilot)

Nourish your relationships and improve communication

Develop a consistent mindfulness practice

Build resilience for a calmer mind and happier workplace


Over the 4 week course, you will strengthen your resilience muscle and be given simple tools and practices for a calmer mind and happier home.

Learn how to:

Cultivate calm in stressful situations

Build your resilience muscle

Develop a mindfulness practice

Find more balance and joy in everyday life


Be more present in your daily life (rather than on autopilot)

Nourish your relationships and improve communication

Develop a consistent mindfulness practice

Build resilience for a calmer mind and happier workplace


“I’ thoroughly enjoyed my course with Danica.

It has taught me a fresh perspective on how I look at situations that occur in day to day life. It’s helped to ‘re train’ my brain to acknowledge the positives rather than highlight the negatives.

I found the breathing practices hugely beneficial to reduce my anxiety as well as giving me tools on how to implement mindfulness in my daily life”

– Catriona Colven Account Manager, Green Chilli Design

Danica Joy

Co-Founder, Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher

Danica has been a student and teacher of yoga, meditation & mindfulness for almost 10 years. Becoming a parent is one of the most joyful and challenging jobs out there and Danica believes that mindfulness is an absolute essential tool for every parent.

Connect with Danica for a mindful moment 

The Online Program

Week 1

Why do we need mindfulness?

Practice COAL (Curiosity, Openness, Acceptance, Love)

What is mindfulness?

Guided meditation practice

Week 2

Why do we need mindfulness?

How the brain changes with mindfulness

Openness and Non judgment

Guided meditation practice

Week 3

The brain and autopilot

Stress response (fight, flight or freeze)

How mindfulness can help you understand emotions

Guided meditation practice

Week 4

Creating loving relationships

Shifting from autopilot

Mindful communication

Guided meditation practice (Loving kindness meditation)

Bonus material 

Finding joy

The power of gratitude

Guided meditation practice

Where to from here?

Putting it all into practice

Mindful awareness

Building a practice of mindfulness


More than a mindfulness app, this course is the perfect blend of learning online in your own time, along with live Q&A’s, meditations and more.

Start or renew your mindfulness journey now for only $98 NZD

Want to Learn more? Take a peek at the free preview

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